What Is Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is a type of diverticular disease that affects your digestive tract and can cause uncomfortable symptoms, and in some cases can lead to serious complications, which can be exacerbated without proper treatment. That is why early treatment is so important with digestive health problems like diverticulitis, and you can learn more by reaching out to Dr. George Tan of the Vegas Digestive Health Center in Las Vegas, NV.

Risk Factors

Although there isn't an exact cause for the condition, there are a variety of factors that could play a role in its development. These can include unhealthy habits like physical inactivity, poor diet, and smoking, but also elements such as genetics and medications you are prescribed can also be factors.


Diverticular disease occurs when small pouches grow along the digestive tract, usually in the large intestine. These pouches can become infected, inflamed and can fill with pus leading to diverticulitis. The infection can spread, or a fistula, which is an abnormal connection between two organs, can form. Intestinal tears and obstructions are also possible complications of diverticulitis.

Diverticulitis Treatment in Las Vegas, NV

To diagnose your condition your doctor will perform a physical examination and check your stomach for tenderness, as well as ask you questions regarding your health history, symptoms, and any medication you are currently taking. There are other tests that are usually performed to rule out any other likely culprits for your discomfort, as other digestive tract conditions also have similar symptoms as diverticular disease.

Treatment can take a few different forms depending on the severity of your condition. Dietary changes typically are the most effective if your symptoms are mild, although medication may also play a role. Antibiotics can be necessary if an infection is suspected. Surgery may be suggested, if necessary, to drain an abscess, repair a fistula, or remove an infection. You may also need a colonoscopy to rule out any underlying colon cancer.

For help, if you are looking for relief from diverticulitis, you can schedule a consultation in Las Vegas, NV, with Dr. Tan of Vegas Digestive Health Center by dialing (702) 625-8989.

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